Vital Rules For Losing Fat and Maintainining Muscle
Lets Talk about those exercise myths we all have believed before and debunk them!
I can aesthetically change one part of my body by spot training.
- When we work out fat loss comes off of our bodies everywhere.
- You can do abs all day and see zero abs potentially
- Fat distribution is determined genetically
* In order to lose body fat one must perform a variety of workouts including strength training, cardio, balance training, and speed and agility. A professional has the knowledge and capability to design a workout program that is individualized in a way one can efficiently develop a lean and toned physique.
Strength Training makes women bulky.
- It is very rare that a women encompasses the natural testosterone levels to perform a normal resistance training workout and become inherently bulky.
- Muscle hypertrophy is even hard for men to earn that is why steroids are popular.
- Choose the right type of resistance training plan that encourages the goals that you are trying to achieve is the deciding factor behind bulk.
- Remember one pound of muscle takes up much less space than fat.
No Pain No Gain
- Muscle soreness is not always a measure of a quality of good workout.
- The goal is to have slight soreness in order to fatigue the muscles so they can repair and become stronger.
- Overtraining a muscle can cause inflammation that can interfere with muscle and strength growth.
- Resistance training is an essential part of getting stronger, being leaner, and growing muscle hypertrophy.
Only young people can lift weights
- Everyone benefits from strength training.
- Strength training improves balance and muscular control.
- Lifting weights can increase flexibility and control of our joints.
- The stronger you are as you age the more you can do and the more quality of life and independence you can endure as we age.
Higher Reps Lower weights make you leaner.
- high reps lower weights increase muscle endurance which aids in helping you workout longer.
- Higher reps lower weights do not necessarily burn more fat than larger weights.
* creating the caloric deficit is that aids in burning more fat.
- The lean look comes from quality of diet, efficient resistance training, incorporating cardio, balance, and agility training as all are a piece of the pie of lean body mass.
Cardio is the only way to lose weight and burn fat.
- Sure someone can run all the fat off of their body but without incorporating some sort of resistance training that lean toned physique is going to be more difficult to achieve.
- incorporating cardio in to a workout regiment will aid in fat loss but in order to develop a lean toned body one must incorporate resistance training to be most efficient for the long term.
Remember the more muscles we have, the more calories we burn, and the more long term toned we will be as we age.
When I lose weight I’m losing fat
a calorie deficit will put you into weight loss mode but not necessarily mean losing fat the more you’re in a deficit won’t make you lose all the weight at once
* You can only lose fat in a low-carb/low-fat diet (refer to episode 2 macros)
-doesn’t mean you’re healthy/good
- body needs carbs especially when exercising